It provides a safe zone to live and play in
How do I perceive the fences that God gives me?
When did you last see an advertisement offering you 15 minutes silence?
Spending time alone, in silence, also helps refresh me. Which is where this search for rest, balance and rejuvenation began....
1) Jesus was brought up as a son of a carpenter and probably would have made yokes for customers. He would have known that it was important for the fit to be right - the easiest yoke to carry would be one that had been made specially for you.
2) A yoke works best when it is equally balanced. If one bucket is full and one is empty, then the yoke is no good at all and you would be advised just to carry one bucket!
3) Jesus was saying that the current yoke that the people were using was heavy but that he was offering an easier way of going through life.
3) The world around us always seems to be adding to the responsibilities, decisions, burdens that we have to carry. Returning to Jesus unburdens us and gives us back perspective, lightening the load.
This is a picture of a London water carrier by the artist Lauren, which is the best picture I could find to demonstrate what I mean.