
Wednesday, 29 April 2009


A few days ago, I was sitting outside grabbing a few moments peace and quiet when my attention was captured by a blackbird singing. He was sitting on top of the roof and sang for about twenty minutes. I looked all around but saw no other blackbird in the vicinity.
It occurred to me that the blackbird sings because he must -
not because of his audience;
not because his schedule said he should;
not because he gets paid to do so;
not because his neighbours or colleagues were doing so and he had to 'keep up';
not because its the right thing to do.
The blackbird sings because he is so full of song that it bursts out of him and he sings until that songburst is used up.
What things in my life give rise to a similar songburst?
How often must I 'sing' because the impulse is so strong I cannot resist it?
When did I last do something so spontaneous and free as a blackbird's song?